Oy Vey! Where Has the time gone??
It's been a while since I've been in school. I forgot that the first couple of weeks are mellow, quickly followed by SLAM! Hoy! My head is spinning. But I'm still hangin on to my 95 average. By the tips of my fingers, but I'm still hangin on.
Had an accident with the car. My poor sweet pimpmobile (Echo). Slammed it into a solid object, I did. And now I'm forsaking it for another (rental). Nice car (G6), but it's not my highly economical Earth friendly cruiser, so there'll be no replacing, hopefully. It had to happen, though, cos I paid my car off in October.
Weirdness is when your ex-boyfriend from when you were 18, who has lived in Germany since that time, calls your ex-husband looking for you. So weird that said ex-husband has to come over to videotape your reaction just so he can spread said video to all my sisters for their enjoyment. Bastard! hahaha kidding. I just got off the phone again with the guy. Very weird/interesting.
Guess who picked up a green chip today! Yup, it was me. So much pressure, when they say that "people rarely pick up a green chip" and mine is looming in the near future. But I maintained and got it! Yippee for me! :o)
As for work, they made me a part-time employee without telling me. So, instead of 38 hrs I'm scheduled for 12 a week. Sweet! Wonder how I'm gonna pay rent/bills/the $500 deductible to get my car fixed/etc. But? If I were drinking/using, I'd be freakin. Now? Not sweating it one bit! I mean, really! Not even a drop of sweat. It is what it is and it'll all work out, somehow. If God wants me to be broker than broke, than broker than broke is what I'll be. Ah well. I woke up today and so did my kids. All else matters not to me.
So, on that cheery note, I'm off to study for class tonite. Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night. :o)
Merry Christmas
8 years ago