Sunday, August 24, 2008

Six Months Sober, Baby!

That's right, I've got six months! I wasn't always sure I was gonna make it, but I did. I got my chip at the first meeting I ever went two here. It was really nice.

Since I start school tomorrow, I figured I would try out the speech recognition program. I'm trying to avoid having to cut my fingernails. I guess the program's OK. It's a little annoying having to OK every sentence I speak. And it won't select words for me to fix. But so far, as evidenced by what I'm writing, it seems to be doing OK . I don't know if I can write 10 page papers with it, But it should be OK for when my nails are wet. Actually it is getting better and better at understanding me. awww. . . It's like having a new friend to talk to. One I wanna slap the Pratt out of every once in awhile. What the hell is a Pratt . Anyway, now that I'm sober I don't think this slow. So I might have to break down and cut the mails and typed the papers by hand. Mails, huh? Sheesh ! By the way, all errors or from the speech recognition program.

Thanks for let me share .


Lou said...

Hey, that is great! But the speech recognition program needs a little tweaking:)

Laura said...

Have fun at school, honey! Don't forget your lunch...:)

Sorry, it's been years since I've been able to say that. It felt good.

I hope you have a marvelous day and you will do well with the speech recognition program.

Nice Nails. I'm Jealous.

steveroni said...

Does your school have 'nap-time'???

Syd said...

Congratulations on six months. I don't think that the speech recognition program is going to do well for papers. Maybe for notes in class though!