My ex wanted to take me out to lunch today. Embracing my poor student status, I said yes. Went to lunch, then he said to sit in his car with him, he had to tell me something. Ut oh!
Seems "the boy" has to go to court on Tuesday for misdemeanor trespassing. This happened two weeks ago, I think he said. Which means I've been riding with the boy for two weeks back and forth to school and he never said anything. Seems he was too afraid of my reaction to tell me. Wise of him. Now I understand why he's been sick for the last week.
Now, six months ago I would have freaked!! Not today tho. I'm actually happy about it. Maybe this is what he needs to set him on the straight and narrow. Ex said the cops thought he was on something cos he was shaking so bad. Good! I'm not sure if I'm gonna miss class to go to court. I told the boy to never make me have to go to court for him cos it devastated me when I had to go for his brother 4 yrs ago (long story, but that scared my eldest onto the straight and narrow, except for the driving under the influence that he does).
I called the boy and asked how he was feeling. He said still kinda sick. I said what about the nervous breakdown he was having. He said "what??" I asked if he had nice clothes to wear for court. He said yeah. I told him "you know, I do love you" he said "I know" and I said "I am gonna kick your ass". He said "I know".
My mother used to say "You're only as happy as your most miserable child" (I think Erma Bombeck said it first). That's not true, tho, I am happier than my most miserable child cos, I know now, I have no control over this. God does and that's not me. I'll be concerned, but not freaking out (hopefully). But I didn't teach him to do something stupid like this. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Gratitude List:
1. Sobriety - I can show up for court and not be hungover or crazy emotional.
2. Serenity - I don't have to fall apart over this. And then try to drink it away.
3. I have AA in my life - I'll share about this tonite and hopefully someone newer to AA than I will see that you CAN handle life clean and sober.
4. Most importantly, I have a God of my understanding watching over me and my boys. Which is handy, trust me. :o)
Oh, and, Hannah was a letdown. The rain and the wind were ok tho. I got to sit at the register in Outside Garden in the rain and do my reading for school. That was very peaceful!
Merry Christmas
8 years ago
Good boundaries. Thankfully Hannah wasn't much. I'm glad that it was just a rainmaker.
Hi Sober T,
This is the first time I've read your blog. Is it O.K. if I Blogroll you?
You make a lot of sense to me. I've struggled with getting to a place where I know that my happiness cannot be contingent on what others are doing.
I'm glad I finally understand my kids have a higher power also and I'm not it.
Ya know, I'm reading all these stories about the troubles everyone is having with their wunderkinder. And I FORGET, that WE had the same "issues" (I HATE that word!) more or less, with our own children.
So, I guess it's nothing new...except there seem to be lots more 'drug stuff' these days, with all the ramifications that ensues.
But boys wil always be boys, etc.....
I marvel at the wiseness of the people in this blog community, and especially your wisdom, Sober T. You have become a model for "Let go, Let God"...mostly -grin-.
And I suspect that without our AA program, I, nor you, would have discovered how to live this Way of Life.
Don't kick his ass too hard!
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