God, how I love Sundays! I'm off till Thurs night (with school in between). I got my reading done for class on Tues (don't you just hate those cashiers that don't pay attention to you when they're ringing you up? Yeah, well I'm one of those cashiers. mwahahaha Some day I'm gonna blog about what 8 hours of "sign please, hit accept" is like. It's not pretty. Anyway...).
Just finished watching HBO's Black Tar Heroin again. Great documentary (for someone who doesn't have a family member/friend on heroin, that is). Should be required watching for every child. Drugs, obviously, are far too glamorized to kids. They need to see what heroin (and other drugs) really do for you.
Gratitude List:
1. My family - I'm sorry I missed the family get-together in NY today. I don't get home often anymore.
2. Friends in AA - My true friends. Sometimes, when the going gets bumpy, just staying sober cos I'd miss them too much if I didn't is enough to get me over the hump.
3. School - It's great to think that maybe, one day, I just might be able to put the crap I did to good use, to help someone. It makes it not seem like such a huge ugly waste of time (my using, that is).
4. My job - While I do dislike it at times, I do get to sit outside in the beautiful weather and do homework or watch butterflies and bees do what they do so well. Can't hate that!
5. My HP - Without Whom, I would be trudging rather than sauntering thru much better days. If I'd only known it could be like this! (I know, if I'd only known before, I'd still have been a mess cos it wasn't my time yet. I had to do that then to get this now.)
So, on that happy note, I must end this procrastination. I must get some more soda in me and study study study! Hot DAMN, I do soooo love studying! (somewhere in the world, a child heard that and fell off it's chair. hehehe)
Merry Christmas
8 years ago
I liked studying too. I always felt very in the moment when studying. It is a great way to forget about the outside world. Maybe that's why I spent so much time in school.
Dear Cashier: How come you don't go, "Tee-hee, you're SO clever!", after I've said something to you which is uniquely witty and very enlightening. (No WONDER you're a cashier! -grin-)
And...how come you don't say something to me like: "You are a HOTTIE! Are you married? Even IF you're married, do you 'play'?" (No WONDER you're JUST a cashier! -grin again-)
And why do you then look at me with those eyes which say to me, "Go F*** yourself, jerk!" (It's just no WONDER you're ONLY a cashier!) -BIG BIG GRIN!!!
Love the line: "I had to do THAT then to get THIS now." THANKS!
Yeah, Sober T, I'm burned out on those heroin movies. I read the reviews on that one & when I saw "gritty & real", I knew I couldn't take it. They don't call it King Heroin for nothin'.
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