Have I mentioned how much I love school today? Except, I did this work for my Substance Abuse Councilling class and forgot it at home on my coffee table! Gah!
My Monday morning meeting was packed to the rafters yesterday. Which was great, of course. The topic was "what would you say to a newcomer and what would you say to someone who has as much time as you do". I said "Just remember what brought you here. Never forget it. Whenever you think of that nice warm, cozy feeling from a couple of drinks or a couple of lines/hits, remember how they left you before you crawled into these rooms." I know that's what keeps me clean and sober and in the rooms.
We had a cookout at the store yesterday. My colon was kind enough to remind me as to why we don't eat burgers, hot dogs or sausages with any regularity. It'll be fruit, veggies and quinoa or brown rice for the next week. I'm trying to embrace my inner colon here. No more dead animals (or animal parts that make up what I ate) for a while.
Til next time...
Merry Christmas
8 years ago
Embrace a colon! That's a good thought.
I like your message on the words to say to the newcomer and those who have time in AA: Remember what the feeling was that brought you here.
Newcomer/Oldtimer: Remember what brought me here...yep, and THAT's why I attend the Beginners' meeting we have every Monday. Those who go to beginner meetings have to leave the main group, and so we miss out on all the "you're wonderful---I'm wonderful" stuff.
Let's all, new and old, help each other to stay sober..big word, STAY!
I'm gonna STAY away from the colon thingie...
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