Oy! The Senate passed the bailout and folks are not happy. I'm not an economics major so I'm not gonna comment on whether it's good or bad. That and, believing everyone is entitled to an opinion, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to force mine on anyone. But I've been reading people's comments about this on Cnn.com, Msnbc.com and my personal favorite, PerezHilton.com and there are some angry mofo's in the hizzous tonite!
Now, in my newfound sober state, I'm learning to embrace my apathy. I'm hard pressed to come up with one single battle thats worth fighting for me. I've fought alot of 'em in the last few years (real or imagined) and I'm over-done. The powers that be will do or not do what they will, whether I like it or not, so there's no point, for me, to stroke out over any of it. I'm the impartial third party, watching from the sidelines.
Hmmm... I have an interview paper to do. Mebbe I'll interview two people with... nah, nevermind. Too much stress from both sides.
Anyway, as I was saying, I think, since there's nothing I can do about what's going on, I guess I'll just enjoy the raw emotions of "the people". Kinda wish my credit cards weren't maxed out, should an uprising happen and I need to trot to Switzerland or something. I'm just saying.
Happy trails
Merry Christmas
8 years ago
That is funny. I read a comment where this guy said he was going to buy a gun and head for the mountains before the coming anarchy. If it comes to that I'm going someplace warm, like the coast of Spain.
I'm not sure how I feel about the bailout either but my inkling is to let the market correct itself and have the chips fall where they may. I don't like the idea of using that much tax payer dollars to bailout anyone.
Thank God your credit cards are maxed out--at least you got to use them! OOooops, was that a 'political' statement? Holy crap, I apologize to myself.
I am the oaf with the oath--swore I'd never introduce a line of sizzling political differences OR indifferences here in these blogs.
Maybe I have ceased fighting everyone and everything? Hope so!
I'm going with Lou. I think I can use my frequent flyer miles for Spain.
As for my credit cards, I only have $1500 in credit card debt, so I'm ok. It's not as bad as I made it sound. My sister, on the other hand.
Sheesh! I couldn't owe half of one years salary. I'd be in a panic!
My part in dealing with this mess is to learn to ride a motor bike to save some gas dollars.
I'm also trying to limit the number of Starbucks coffees I drink and I even applied at a Starbucks - we'll see what happens!
If I get a job - even part time - with health benefits, I can eliminate my Cobra medical payment that costs a fortune AND I could get "free" coffees.
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